How to Duel:

* Post on melee discord that you are “ISO Duels” and await for someone to PM you or respond to an ISO duel call or just PM someone who is registered to duel them WHENEVER AND WHEREVER!

* Once you have completed the duel, go on “Results Entry” page and submit the result (ONLY THE WINNER SHOULD POST THE RESULT)

* Rinse and repeat however you want! - no cooldowns!

Please carefully read the rules below. Mostly, typical GM melee rules apply with some minor differences:

➜ Characters allowed to play: Amazon (Jab) / Paladin (Zeal) / Barbarian (Concentrate) / Druid (Maul & Fury) / Beardin/Bearzon (Beast RW on Swap)

➜ A challenge will be first to 15, no win by 2!

➜ You may change gear twice during a set.

➜ Using a token mid-challenge is not allowed.

What's Not Allowed?

* Do not commit acts of bad manner.

* Do not angle (both parallel to the town door)

* Do not prebuff.

* Do not use slow.

* Do not enchant.

* Do not smite.

* Do not charge.

* Do not jump.

* Do not pot.

* Do not run.

* Do not whirlwind.

* Do not knockback.

* Do not use items or sages that emit auras which affect player vs. player (PVP) and cause physical and/or elemental damage (small amounts of poison damage on weapons allowed, see below)

* Do not emit the holy freeze aura.

* Do not cast item/torch charges.

* Do not have Damage Reduce of any kind in % - this means no Ber runes!


What's Allowed?

* All rare items as long as they don't violate the rules stated above.

* All crafted items as long as they don't violate the rules stated above.

* All magic items as long as they don't violate the rules stated above.

* All runes in any socket besides Ber. Ber runes are not permitted in any piece of gear. Having a Ber socketed somewhere is auto DQ!

* Call to Arms, Spirit, and Beast runeword on swap. Spirit can only be used with Call to Arms or Beast, it cannot be used when dueling.

* Poison damage up to 200 on a weapon is permitted. Poison damage is not allowed on any other gear or charms.

You may absolutely not ...

* Use ANY runeword (besides Call to Arms/Spirit/Beast on swap as stated above), unique items, or Set items. No exceptions - rare AND magic AND crafted items ONLY!

* Use ANY Ber runes, as described above.

* Use ANY weapon with over 200 elemental damage.

* Use ANY weapon that casts an elemental skill over Level 5.

* Use ANY weapon that casts Amplify.

Special Mention/Dueling

* Both players “shift” swing to indicate start of duel

* Mis-clicking - restart and redo the duel

* Glitched strength - if you die and cannot pick up gear then an auto DQ will result

* Running into duel - restart and redo the duel

* If neither dueler survives the walk back to town to heal, then it is a draw and no points awarded


Special Class-Specific Mentions:

Fury: You must choose only one Summon per set (Oak Sage or Heart of the Wolverine). Whatever Summon is chosen at the beginning of a duel must be used for the entirety of that duel. You are free to recast if it dies (which has its advantages and disadvantages) but it cannot be a different Summon than what you just had.

Amazon: Inner sight may be used against zealers only.

Two Notes:

1) Gear checks can and will be executed due to the nature of these duels being very dependent on following the rules and not using any unique items or runewords. In the context of this ladder, gear checks are completely normal.

- Gear checks will be performed by simply taking a screenshot of your inventory and immediately posting it in the Discord channel (if you need an invite to the Discord, PM me here). These will be done only upon request if either player feels like they would like this done.

If you go back to your stash before doing this, it's just an Auto DQ. If you take an unusually long time to simply screenshot and post, admins will look into what's going on.

- If requested, a more thorough gear check can be performed. This can include having the opponent link their rings/amulet, etc., or showing their gear in trade screen as needed.

2) You may not borrow items in this ladder.